Hypertension, or high blood pressure can be a scary disease and threatening everybody. In order to decrease high blood pressure naturally, we can use apple skin extract. High blood pressure is usually called  “silent killer” because it comes without showing clearly indications. Doctors suggest to control blood pressure periodically especially for man and woman in 50 years old or above.

Based on Food Chemistry Journal, researches from Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Canada found that outside line of apple contains of a natural substances until six times higher more than chemicals which is used for controlling high blood pressure which potentially turning on hypertension.

Apple that Is known as anti-oxidant resources and natural chemical called flavonoid is trusted to health our heart and good for cardiovascular system in generally.

This may means that if you peeling apple skin before you eat then, means that you may lost a large advantages which is content on it.

Researches has been compare between skin and main fruit for  their enzyme extract while on apple enzyme has benefit to against ACE-which is known as one of causes of high blood pressure in human generally. Researches has research, the enzyme on apple skin could work six times of flavanoid than just eat only the fruit, even we know that apple is works to those who deals with diet or are doing in diet programs

Moreover, apple skin is known to against hypertension effectively than other supplements. Even though another fruits has several level of flavanoid, but they could not comparing with the effectively of apple skin.

So, lets start health ourselves and be wise to protect our healthy life
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