As we know, garlic is one of the spices substances, but have you ever realized that garlic has more than just as seasoning?
Exactly, garlic can be used as herbs especially heart health and preventing cancer. Wowww.. amazing!!!

Several studies and researches have prove that garlic can prevent cancer from many years ago, -Old-Egypt era1550 before century.
Many years ago, garlic is used as one of herbs that can healing many kinds of diseases. Usually, it is consumed in a small portion, that’s why, it is healthy compound involves on it can not work optimally.

Inside of garlic, there is a high vitamin C dosages, but to get benefit of vitamin C from it optimally, we have to consume at least 800gr of garlic, while garlic itself used just only as seasoning and food complementary. That’s why benefit of garlib less optimal, even though this spices has many advantages.

A research in National Cardiological Research Center, Moscow has found that was cholesterol decreasing  for 7,6 percentages of  42 test subjects during 12 weeks who had garlic therapies. So we can conclude, by consuming garlic continually can prevent aterosklerosis. Aterosklerosis is arteri’s  constriction because of cholesterol and fat deposition which is cause of stroke and heart-attack.

So, lets start health ourselves and be wise to protect our healthy life.

Category: natural health herbal
MCN: CA626-FK7D5-E40CP
© copyright 2012-10-09 09:24:53 - All Rights Reserved

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