Never been thought before that these food intake can help us fit and maintain good
appearance so that turning ourselves keep younger. Here there are should be know :

The advantages that will never be end for us comes from this super beverages. Green tea has many
benefits that took it on the top chart beverage which make you keep younger. Green tea is ensure
effectively help to make blood-pressure is as on order, decreasing blood sugar rate, increasing body-
immune, decreasing cholesterol and several researches show green tea can prevent cancer effectively.
Consuming spinach will not turn you as a popeye, but spinach is very useful in increasing body-
immune from disease. Spinach and other fresh green vegetables (such as cabbage and chinese cabbage)
contain of high folat which is able to prevent DNA damage and blood artery. If you able to keep blood
circulation system in good order you can minimizing of high blood pressure risk, chronic diabetes attack,
or renal risk
Good news for chocolate lover. Because this chocolate contain of good cacao which can help to against
anti aging. Cacao is rich of anti-oxidant called flavonoids that can help to keep blood artery function
keep on health. But be aware on over consuming it, because it will not make good impact for body.
Just like fish, tofu is also a good source of protein instead of meat or milk, because of less saturated fat
or even none. Food which is less of saturated fat will decreasing heart attack risk and blood pressure.
Soybean product is good in help lowering cholesterol and good additional source for health.
Yoghurt contain of ‘good bacterial’ that really needed to protect your body –immune system, by
increasing antibody and preventing resurgent of pathogen organism such as Salmonella and E colli.
A glass of red grape can increasing anti-aging rate include of polifenol antioxidant, mineral, and
resveratol ( one of polifenol compound which can be found on plant and utilized in medical.
Resveratol which be found on red grape also useful for woman when she menopause in order to
lowering breast cancer risk and osteoporosis cause by lessening estrogen hormone level.
For suggestion, consume a glass red grape / day.
It just a few person who realize the important of consuming water, instead that dehydration can be
effect on headache, tired, and low concentrate level.
By enhance water consumption automatically help on absorption process, make healthy skin and
keep younger. Ensure that you are consuming a little portion water but often every day and do more
intensive after you do sport or when you are in dry–hot area, even on AC area.
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