Invisible Benefit From Paprika
There are some invisible benefit from paprika that may be lost from our thought, especially for health and nutrition content from it.
These are several point we have to know about paprika :
- Paprika content of highly vitamin C, almost 9 times higher than vitamin C on tomato
- Paprika also contain of vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K which is useful for our body especially in maintaining vena blood artery and capillary artery.
- Contain a lot of anti-oxidant and photochemical which is important for body immunity systems
- Paprika is known as antibacterial agent and stimulants which is able in normalized blood pressure, increasing circulation also saliva and gastric acid for support absorption process.

- This fruit can be placed as stimulant and energy source that has already be used widely to overcome circulation problem, exhaustion, and depressant.
- Spicy from paprika comes from a substance called capsaicin, which has curing substancial because have anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant also known as cancer reduction.
- Paprika rich of carotenid substance, red and yellow pigments which is known as well for healthy
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